Morgan is a beautiful Yorkshire Terrier.
She was born on April 15, 2006
and she is named after the Celtic Goddess The Morrigan.
Her full name is Phantom Queen Morrigan.
This is her journal.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Last but not least

Here are some clothes that I got from her. The first two are tank tops I purchased at Hot Topic on clearance. The last two are from Andrea (Jaxon's mom from YT) and are hand-me-downs of Jaxon's. Thank you !

Other Tid Bits

Her ID tag: crappy picture i know, but the flash kept reflecting off the shiny studs.

and more crappy pics of the toys my sister bought for Morgan. I love these things and think they are hilarious. Poopon... hahahaha

New Carrier

I had originally ordered the Pet-On-The Go Celltei bag in Camo but then I decided it was too bulk and it didn't wear exactly quite like the messanger bag i hoped it to be. So I returned it and exchange it for this one. Its much prettier and smaller then the other one. I hope Morgan likes to be carried around in it because she's gonna be toted around everywhere I can take her. It can even used for a car seat, because there is a lead inside to clip on to her harness and the bag can be straped in with the seat belt so it doesn't move around in the seat. It has plenty of openings so Morgan can stick her head out of the top or the side, and the flaps fold down so they won't be in her way. The bag also has a spot on the inside for a tiny water bottle and an ice pack or hand warmer to keep her comfortable in the nasty weather, hot or cold. These celltei bags are perfect.

The countdown has begun

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pushy Pup

I was told today that Morgan got her first reprimand from an older female today for excessive ear chewing. I would have loved to see her face. I'm sure she was shocked because she was used to being spoiled by everyone since she was so tiny. heh. troublemaker

New Harness

Today I received Morgan's new harness, collar, leash, and bow in the mail from Everything is hand made by my friend Des from YT. She has the cutest designs and fabrics. Everything she makes is excellent and I definately recommend you check out her site (link is to the right) NOW hahah, jk, but seriously, go check it out and order something if you have a small dog.


Hi everyone! My name is Kellie and this blog is all about my yorkie puppy Morgan. ALL MORGAN, ALL THE TIME! :)

Morgan was born on April 15th, 2006 to two gorgeous parents and she came from a WONDERFUL breeder. Morgan was a tiny baby at 2 1/2oz. She is one out of two females in a litter of four and was the tiniest at birth.

She was just barely 3oz(and that was after nursing), not much longer than my middle finger... third born at about 4:30 am, breech and not breathing. Took about 5 minutes to get her going and awhile to get her latched on to a teat....but once she got it...a wee fighter was born. Half the size of her biggest brother she hung in there like a champ. She was checked on every two hours round the clock for the first 72hrs and it was thought that they might lose her, she is the smallest pup the breeder had ever had, but the minute she would put her on to nurse she would dig right in. A fighter from the beginning. :)


I went to the breeders house on May 13 to see her babies. Morgan was in her youngest litter and i didn't really look at her when I first got to the house. I was too busy playing with the rest of the yorkie herd and checking out the older puppies. After being there for about an hour I finally asked about Morgan's litter. The breeder said she wasn't really showing the litter yet, but she eventually caved in to my sad face. LOL She picked up the three available pups (one of the males was already spoken for) and placed a tiny little female in my hands first. After holding her for all of 2 seconds I knew this was my girl. She was so tiny (probably about 14oz at the time) and so cute. I held her while I talked to the breeder about all the fun puppy stuff and about her other dogs. Eventually Morgan fell asleep in my hands. The breeder took a look at me with my stupid grin on my face, sighed, and said, "so what should I be calling her?" and I knew she was mine! I left one very very happy person. My sister who came with me told me I looked like a big idiot as I walked out of the house because I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. On the way home I called my mom and my friends and told them that I picked out a puppy and she would be coming home in two months.

About one month later I went to see her again with my mom. I was so excited. How I managed to survive a whole month without seeing her I do not know. My mom was alittle worried about going to the house because she's not a huge fan of dogs but I prep'd her and told her all the dogs were absolutely wonderful. Luckily it was a nice day and alot of the doggies were outside enjoying the sunshine. Morgan had gained quite a few ounces since I last saw her. We plopped her on the scale and she came out to be a whoping 1lb 3oz at just about two months old. I sat in the kitchen floor most of the 2 hours I was there playing with her and taking pictures.

I told the breeder I would come back in another month to pick her up. I thought I could make it, but alas, I couldn't resist that cute face and I went back to see her on June 24th by myself. More pictures were taken of course.

So now i'm patiently (yeah right) waiting for July 15th to get here so I can finally take her home. I bought her a crate, ex-pen, celltei carrier, bed, id tag, harness, leash, collar, bow (all thanks to Des), and I picked up a few cute shirts that were on sale at Hot Topic.

Now all that's left is to wait..... and post pics of all the cute things i'm buying her to keep myself occupied until I pick her up.